Sounds of Space: Indigenous Astronomy & Capturing the Light of the Universe
Sounds of Space invites you to come along for a free Astronomy lecture by two of Australia's brilliant minds.
Indigenous Astronomy with Kirsten Banks
"Discuss and explore the wonders of Indigenous Cosmology with Kirsten Banks as she leads a visual tour through the night sky. Learn about how 60,000 years ago Indigenous Australians used modern science concepts to explain cosmic phenomena."
Capturing the Light of the Universe with Dr Angel Lopez-Sanchez
"Light is the key piece of the Astrophysics we make today. Thanks to the analysis of the light astronomers know where stars, galaxies are, what are they made of, how do the move, and more. I will give some examples of how light is captured and analysed in big telescopes such as the Anglo-Australian Telescope. But I will also talk about how amateur astronomers and citizen citizen scientists are now capturing the light of the Universe, as they are getting astonishing views of the night sky. Deep sky images of both professional and amateur astronomers are inspiring artists and young people in science and technology around the world."
About Kirsten Banks
Kirsten Banks is a young Wiradjuri woman studying a Bachelor of Science with a Major in Physics. From a young age she had a fascination with the sky and now delves into the wonders of the universe from the perspective of a Physicist. She’s always known about her heritage, but it wasn’t until recently when Kirsten saw an Indigenous map of Australia and found out which Indigenous group she belongs to. Since then she’s had a fascination about Indigenous astronomy, learning more about her culture and how the ancient astronomers of Australia used the sky. Kirsten loves to share her passion for the universe and how Indigenous Australians have used concepts from modern Science to describe the wonders of the universe.
About Dr. Angel Lopez-Sanchez
Dr. Ángel R. López-Sánchez is an astronomer and science communicator at the Australian Astronomical Observatory and the Department of Physics and Astronomy at the Macquarie University. He studies how the gas is converted into stars in nearby galaxies and how this affects galaxy evolution. He also provides support for visiting astronomers to the Anglo-Australian Telescope (AAT, Siding Spring Observatory, NSW). Dr. López-Sánchez is passionate science communicator who continuously gives talks and public lectures, writes popular science writings and organises stargazing activities.
If you're a fan of Sydney Science Festival, Sydney City Skywatchers, Sydney Observatory and NASA - National Aeronautics and Space Administration you won't want to miss this!
This event is part of the Sounds of Space exhibition. See the full program here.
- Kirsten Banks
- | Ángel López-Sánchez