

BRUNT Holds a mirror up to you and your bros Words Alexandra Jonscher ★ 7/10 Brunt ran at 107 Redfern from August 16-18, 2018. Words Alexandra Jonscher ★ 7/10 Brunt ran at 107 Redfern from August 16-18, 2018. Brunt is a critical exploration of masculinity that challenges young men to closely… Read More


Review:  Brainchild Words Sam BaranImages Courtesy of the Artists Brainchild is showing tonight, tomorrow & Sunday (September 23 – 25), 7pm. Tickets are $20/25 and available here or on the door. Brainchild consists of two contemporary dance pieces, split into acts and set in the intimate upstairs theatre space of 107 Projects. Read More


Review:  The Big Bruise @ Montague Basement Written by Claire Deakin Photography by Omnes Photography The Big Bruise is not one to mince its words (or visuals, for that matter). Shuffling into the quaint theatre space, we are welcomed by Saro Lusty-Cavallari, the play’s director, who informs the room that, in addition… Read More