Michael of Mickey’s Fruit & Veg Deli
Tell us a bit about Mickey’s Fruit and Veg and Deli.
We started this part about five and a half years ago, maybe pushing six years. Me and Dave started it. The family’s been in the business for 52 years, and we decided to branch out to Redfern. It just grew from there.
Do you have a philosophy in your work?
We push fresh quality and we keep it at as reasonable a price as possible. And customer service.
How does creativity come in to what you do?
Oh, you know, people say ‘you’re only hanging bananas’ but there’s ways of putting the bananas on the shelves to look good, the jars and things have got to go on the shelf to look good… My Dad still comes in sometimes and puts his two cents in. After fifty two years he knows what he’s talking about.
If you weren’t doing this you would be….
Dunno. I wouldn’t have a clue. I’d be doing this. It’s like I said, basically I was born into it. My Dad’s been doing it ever since I can remember. I was going to markets when I was a kid… I don’t know anything else really.
What’s the best thing about working in Redfern?
The locals. They’re very vibrant people, different people. You get all sorts that just blend in together. It’s a very different culture.
Is there anything you want us to know about Mickey’s?
Just that we like to support the locals, we donate to certain charities and stuff like that. We supply restaurants and cafes in the area – when you sit in most restaurants or cafes in Redfern you’ll be eating Mickey’s Produce! We enjoy being part of the community, it’s always interesting.
Mickey’s Fruit & Veg can be found at 86 Pitt Street. Mickey’s is a supporter of our 107 Presents program, and supplier of all fresh fruit and veg used in the 107 cafe.