Art Somewhere: Zines of the future!


WHEN: 10am - 11:30am – 9 Oct 2021

COST: $15

WHO: The Rizzeria

TICKETS: Register now

Write, draw, collage, scribble!

Zines are a low-cost, DIY form of self-publishing, creative expression and sharing ideas. This is a fun and easy zine-making workshop which will focus on the theme of futures. How might we use zines to guide us towards better futures? To explore alternative futures or dream up utopias? Your zine might be a speculative guide to life on Mars, a manifesto on sustainable living, or a tale of life on earth after humans.

You will be guided through the process of crafting your own zine using materials found around your home, and introduced to different zine formats and folding + binding techniques. Open to all skill levels, beginners through to experienced zine makers.

Required materials:

  • A pen or pencil
  • Sheet of paper
  • A pair of scissors
  • Ideas! (We can help with this too!)

Suggested extra materials:

With zine making, anything goes! You might like to work with:

  • Coloured pencils or paint or ink
  • Magazines or coloured paper for collage
  • Glue or tape
  • Junk mail, envelopes, scraps of paper, coloured paper
  • Pressed flowers
  • Needle & thread
  • Stickers

About our artist:

Estee Sarsfield is an illustrator, designer and educator with an interest in sustainability and design futures. She is a director of non-profit printing co-op, the Rizzeria and teaches design theory and visual communication at the University of Sydney.

The class:

You'll be emailed a zoom link in the leadup to the workshop - we'll see you there! :)