We Run This – Let There Be Light and Sound


WHEN: 5–9pm – 27 May 2016


Two interactive installations are waiting for you at 107 projects.

Beatdice is a collaborative artwork where you work with others to compose music by building a light sculpture. This installation will be enhanced for 107 projects to control the lighting for the entire space, adding a third dimension to the creative experience.  

Echo surface is an artwork where your shadow becomes a brush you can paint with on a projected canvas. 

The goal of both artworks is to give participants a set of creative tools that can be mastered in moments rather than years. The endgame is to allow anyone to access moments of pure creative improvisation and collaboration. 

Beatdice was originally developed for Vivid Light 2015.

Echo Tables was originally developed for the Sydney Opera House Creative Play program.

Also on the night will be a performance by Self Help Arts. Comprising dance, film, vision, word and sound by some of Sydney’s most exciting contemporary artists, The Forest Unyielding is a dynamic new study of mental health, set in a dark forest space representing the inside of a brain. Tickets: goo.gl/qA4IVs