Voices Echo
VENUE: 107 South Eveleigh
This is a defining and unprecedented moment in our history, and Yalbilinya Education Project invites you to be a part of it.
Voices Echo is an upcoming public Q&A, dedicated to fostering dialogue around the Uluru Statement from the Heart and the far-reaching impacts of the upcoming referendum.
What to Expect:
The event will commence with a traditional smoking ceremony, followed by a panel discussion between experts in community engagement and constitutional law reform, who will dive into the intricacies of 'the Voice', including:
- Bridget Cama: Uluru Youth Dialogue Co-Chair | Legal Research Officer | Associate of the Indigenous Law Centre (UNSW)
- Dr Harry Hobbs: Treaty Making Expert | Constitutional + Human Rights Lawyer | Associate Professor (UTS Faculty of Law)
- Uncle Shane Phillips: Community Leader | CEO of Tribal Warrior | Founder of the Redfern Aboriginal Corporation
- Dr Shireen Morris: Constitutional Law Expert | Radical Centre Reform Lab Director | Senior Lecturer (Macquarie Law School)
The event will conclude with live music by Blanche and light refreshments provided by Aunty Beryl, offering an opportunity to continue the conversations informally.
When and Where:
Saturday 12th August | 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm | 107 South Eveleigh
Hosted by Yalbilinya Education Project — an emerging NFP, focused on academic mentoring and reciprocal education (@yalbilinya)
Why Attend:
This is a unique opportunity to engage in robust discussions and gain valuable insights from experts who are actively shaping the path towards constitutional reform. We hope that you walk away from the event ready to partake in more informed and effective community-based advocacy.
Secure your free spot now by registering today!
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