The Rizzeria


WHEN: Saturdays 10AM-3PM 15 Apr 2024 – 30 Jun 2024


VENUE: 107 Green Square

An eye-popping, colourful installation of risoprinted artworks showcasing works printed with the Rizzeria Coop. The Rizzeria has been a resident at 107 Green Square from the beginning. Together with fellow residents and their visitors the Rizzeria is adding creativity and vibrancy to the centre and the neighbourhood of Green Square.

The exhibition features artworks by the coop's volunteers and friends, including Isabella Brown, Ella Cutler, Bettina Kaiser, Kitty Cardwell, Estee Sarsfield, Phillip Sabolta, Adi Firth, Ariana Boydell, Buse Tirpanci, Elena Fombertaux, Erica Faisca, Joel Cameron, Lucy Wynhoven, Monika Diak, Stella Hong, Yasuko Toda and many more.

The Rizzeria is a 100% volunteer-powered printing coop. We teach and support people to learn and experiment with risograph printing. We run classes, an open print studio and community events. We prioritise printing small editions, zines and creative projects for students, artists and community groups and projects.