Singing Bowls for Everyday Life
VENUE: 107 Redfern
Unwind with the soothing vibrations of singing bowls at our Sound Healing Event & Workshop. Learn the ancient art of playing singing bowls and experience deep relaxation. Book now for a unique rejuvenating experience!
Sacred Road invites you to join in the rising rapport and love for Sound Healing led by Chaitanyashree of Kundalini Healing Therapies. Chaitanyashree has been at the forefront of sound healing for many years. Originating from Nepal, he now teaches and performs sound healing across New South Wales and other states.
Sound is medicine, and it is actually simple and effortless to receive. All we need to do is listen and feel. Try to remember a piece of music you have heard before. Remember the melody, the harmony, the colour and grooves, and most importantly remember how it made you feel. Perhaps happy, cheerful, nostalgic or maybe even a little sad (that's totally fine). Sound has the power to ignite change within us energetically, which ultimately affects our entire life physically.
Singing bowls are beautiful instruments of sound healing made in the Nepal, Tibet and India. Different metals are combined and smelted together, creating an instrument able to generate harmonising overtones and frequencies. The human body is like an instrument. When the body and mind functions in unison and balance, we think/feel/act in positivity and joy. Conversely, how does an out of tune instrument make you feel? How would an out of tune body feel?
This is where the singing bowl comes into our aid. If you are interested in sound, vibrations and healing, then this workshop will give you the beginning tools and knowledge of balancing your life by way of singing bowls. The power is in your hands.
Program details:
- Sound healing session led by Chaitanyashree. Stillness and deep internal resononance.
- Workshop on how to use the singing bowl for oneself. Alleviate stress, balance the body and mind, and live a life in harmony.
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