WHEN: Opening Night 6pm Wed 10 May. Open Wed - Sat, 11am - 5pm 10 May 2023 – 13 May 2023


WHO: Blake Kendall Instagram, Blake Kendall Facebook

REMNANTS is an exhibition of a life once had and features two live poetry readings of ‘The Creature of Transformation’.

"I remember, before my mum passed away, we visited this space. REMNANTS is a celebration of all that has been left behind. "Life, Love, Death, Decay" rhymes with the erosion.

With over 20 years of documenting Alexandria ( + b e y o n d ) = this retrospective watches the world go bye… I’m holding hands with Grief & Gratitude BUT I’m homeless at home. It’s like a story of “solastalgia” — homesickness without leaving one’s home. IT is my return to the LAND OF THE LIVING. Our Vulnerabilities come with a price_tag — in a Sydney-city / life in capitalist ruins, we try and make a buck, by selling everything that’s left… aka. precarity.

One day you will hold someone you love in your arms, and they will take their last breath, as one day we all will, and you will realise how precious and fragile life truly is."

As spoken by the wind.