Playback Theatre Sydney – Transitions



WHEN: 8:00pm - 9:30pm – 30 Apr 2022

COST: $30 (full) $22 (concession) $25 (group of 6+)

WHO: Playback Theatre Sydney

TICKETS: Trybooking

Transitions. They push us to make changes to our existing life. To reexamine our present way of being, to develop and grow.

Predictable or unpredictable, comfortable or unwelcomed, chosen or imposed, transitions redefine who we are.

We're offering a place for stories about the transitions in your life and what they mean to you.
Playback theatre provides a platform to share a greater conversation from the real life stories of the audience.

We use improvisation to co-create an exciting theatrical experience for everyone where your stories are reflected back to you on the spot.

Come along and see the actors, the musician, and the conductor bring your stories to life.