Kino Sydney #84


WHEN: 6-10.30pm – 7 Jul 2014

COST: $15

Kino Sydney is the city’s only open-mic night for filmmakers. Filmmakers, from first timers to old pros, make films especially for the night and we screen it with no competition or pre-selection. With a burning energy to get out there and make a film no matter the constraints, the results are always inventive, madcap and unpredictable. Come along and cheer experienced and aspiring filmmakers on as they take us with them into their worlds.

Anyone can register to screen, just beware the rules: - must be made for Kino - must be a world premiere - must be under 5min - must have the word Kino Sydney + screening number in the credits. Got it? Then e-mail to book a slot.

Doors Open: 6 00 pm
Tickets for screening available on the door $15
(Screening filmmakers get in for free.
Bakers and cooks amongst you can get in for free if you bring along a home-made dish to share)