Chaorder by Beth Radford
Location: South Eveleigh Precinct
107 was thrilled to have collaborated with our corporate neighbours in South Eveleigh to create a temporary public artwork series that reflects our joint commitment to support emergent artists.
An array of artists have been selected to feature in the REFLECTION series at South Eveleigh. One of them being Beth Radford, a long-time artist of 107.
Her artwork Chaorder (featured below) explores patterns, progression, symmetry and sequence, and its counterpart chaos, unpredictability, and the incalculable interactions found in the natural world. Artist Beth Radford has used her background in finite mathematics to inform her work and creative process.
You can watch her talk about her work Chaorder and her love of mathematics here.
Below is the original artwork by Beth Radford
Chaorder 2011
Acrylic on canvas, 110cm x 110cm (43”x43”)
You can view the Chaorder series via Radford's website.