ARMOUR #3: Fusing


WHEN: 6-8pm – 5 Oct 2016


Self Help Arts invite you to join them for a series of monthly meetings addressing the arts and mental health. A necessary discourse for current times, with multiple theories, articles and memes flying around the universe – but no one point of offline community discussion. ARMOUR is this space.

Bringing together artists, guest speakers, industry professionals, and community practitioners, ARMOUR seeks to start bridging the divide between arts practice, and sustainable methods for supporting mental health in our industry.

This month:

Fusing: Integrating Self Care Practice into the Creative Process

It is commonly accepted that we must suffer for our art, but what if we went the other way? What if we didn’t suffer, but actually put mechanisms in place for support? Nutrition, sleep, check-ins and realistic timetabling for starters …

What is a mental health policy, and how do we make sure we activate it?
How can we use our art as our oasis without it tipping into “hobby” status?
Kale and Quinoa meets “Yes, and…”

Special Guests: Dr Mark Seton, Honorary Research Associate (Department of Theatre and Performance Studies) at The University of Sydney; and Tara Maurici, Social Worker at Milk Crate Theatre, and Nutritionist.