Nadir – Excessive Redundancy Album Launch
Nadir | Peter Blamey | Jannah Quill | Ivan Lisyak
Nadir is Alex White (Euro Modular Synth) and Ben Byrne (Laptop with Max/MSP). Alex’s synth is processed and reconfigured. The resulting sound is a combination of the laptop and synthesizers outputs.
Peter Blamey is a Sydney-based artist. His work explores themes of sound and energy, and the reimagining of technology through questioning accepted notions of connectivity, variability and use. His practice is typically grass roots, establishing interactions between disparate everyday technologies in order to produce performances, artworks and installations that investigate the relationships between people, technologies and their environments.
Jannah Quill is a Sydney based artist working in electronic installation and performance. Her work currently deals with exploring and exposing hidden energies and considering the role of electricity in digital construction, and its potential as a performance and art making tool. Her performances and work have been exhibited as part of Underbelly Arts at Cockatoo Island, Liquid Architecture sound festival in Melbourne, and at The Museum of Contemporary Art as part of the public program surrounding the exhibition “Energies: Haines and Hinterding”, among others.
Ivan Lisyak is a media artist whose work encompasses experimental audio, performance, video art, grindcore and more.